Sunday, August 26, 2012

An Update...well over due

June...Aliya had her jaw surgery.  Can I say that it was way more major than I had anticipated. She ended up staying intubated for 3 days in the PICU. When I walked in all I could do was cry. My poor little baby was hooked up to more machines than she even had in the NICU and her little fragile body was so swollen and got more swollen before it got less. They told us they would only adjust her jaw for 5 days it ended up being 14...and she ended up going through withdrawls from all the pain meds she was on. We were in the hosptial for 9 days...and that sure is a lont time to be away from your normal every day life and family!  We did make it through it and wow her jaw looks good and she has way more room in her mouth. She has learned how to swollow a lot of air....which in turns causes a lot of air bubbles in her belly. So usually when she cries we need to release the air through her g tube.

July...nothing too exciting happen.  Aliya had to have her plates in her jaw for 6 weeks so we were just letting her jaw heal and grow. we are. Well Aliya had her plates removed on the 16th and things were well until Sunday night. Her right side of her incision started bleeding a little bit and oozing. So we watched it and on Wednesday night I mentioned to Shane that I thought it was infected...sure enough 530 in the morning she had a temperature of 103.9...yep 103.9. I kinda freaked out and rushed her to the ER in Logan and they ended up transporting us down here by ambulance. On a side note she was going through withdrawls again from the pain meds. So here we are at Primarys going on 5 days tomorrow and they are leaning towards doing  a picc line so she can have IV antibiotics for 3 to 6 weeks. We also found out she has Rhino Virus which is another name for the common cold. Can I say our life is definately a challenge...but all the challenges make us that much stronger. She is one tough little girl and is my little hero!

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