Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Aliya is growing and she loves her belly!

Aliya is wearing clothes now, it's so cute to see her in her onesie. She loves being on her belly, this is her favorite position. She now weighs 1700 grams which is 3 lbs. 12 oz. and is 18.3 inches long. Last night while she was on her tummy she moved her head from side to side which shows she is definately getting stronger! The hospital hasn't had very many cases of RSV so the RSV restriction got lifted for now but we don't know how long it will last. One of the nurses who has been there for 10 years has never seen this happen. So Taya and Kiya were able to see their little sister again last Sunday. They were beyond excited! The Haslam's were able to get a new family picture of which it is updated to the right. Look how cute Kiya is holding her little sister's arm, how sweet!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Aliya had an EEG done which is a brain scan to see if she is having seizures. The neurologist looked at the scan and said she is not having them but we will have the official results next week.

Comments are welcomed :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

She's gaining!

Aliya is up to 1460 grams which ends up being between 3 lbs. 3 oz. and 3 lbs. 4 oz. so Yay she is gaining weight! The doctors did a echo on her heart and it showed her PDA valve closed which is good because if it wasn't there would've been a possibility of having surgery. Aliya has grown out of her peewee diapers and now is into the preemie diapers.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Aliya is over 3 pounds!!!

Yay Aliya finally hit 3 pounds, she is now just barely under 3 lbs. 2 oz. We are so proud of her! She is having a hard time breathing so the nurses put her back on oxygen. There is a new nurse for Aliya named Travis and she has been wonderful in taking care of her, we are very grateful for good nurses. Taya and Kiya won't be able to see Aliya until she comes home, they miss her dearly but can't wait until she comes home. Thanks for all of your prayers, support and kindness to the Haslam family. They can't express how grateful they are. I am also overwhelmed with gratitude seeing what amazing friends and family Shane and Tarasha have in Logan. It's so neat to see a community come together in times like these. Thanks again!
With love,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big sisters held their baby sister today!

Big sisters holding baby Aliya

Kiya's turn...look at that big grin!

Taya's turn...beautiful girl!

All the beautiful Haslam girls!



Here is Poppy holding Aliya with one hand, you can kind of get the idea with how small she is.

Aunt Bri

Oh my, we just can't get enough of this sweet baby! The best part is when the nurses unwrap her, her legs go wild and go right up to her face. It's like she's free. We love our ballerina baby!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Aliya is off oxygen

Taya and Kiya were able to go see Aliya and even got to hold her with Tar's help. They were so excited to see her and even sang her Twinkle Twinkle and Rock a Bye Baby. Aliya is off oxygen which is great. She is not interested in sucking yet but the nurses and doctors are watching for queues.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Eye Surgery

Doctor Hoffman who is the optomologist examined Aliya under anesthesia last night and decided not to do surgery at this time. She has a lot of pressure in her left eye and he will check her in two weeks because her eyes are too small as of right now. She is having problems with her kidneys which is another thing the doctors will have to watch. One of her lungs partially collapsed on the November 1st but it is doing better now. It didn't even affect her, she was still breathing fine. They saw the collapsed lung in an x-ray. Aliya is on the intubator but will be taken off of it this morning if she is doing well. This is a standard procedure when put under anesthesia. She gained 30 grams and has been stable. Yay to gaining weight! Hopefully she will continue to start gaining from here and out but time will tell. Taya and Kiya were able to see her again. They just love their little sister and can't wait to bring her home.
With her syndrome there is a specialist at the University of Utah for the Wolf Hirsshorn Syndrome. They will be meeting up with him in a few weeks. They have heard wonderful things about him and are grateful to have him looking after Aliya.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aliya is at Primary Children's

Aliya made it down to Primary Children's and is doing well. Aunt Dem even got to hold her which she was sure to tell all of us! Only Shane and Tarasha have been able to hold her so it was a big deal that someone else was able to today. I hope I will get my chance soon. Some of you may ask why she is the ballerina baby...well some of the nurses at McKay Dee hospital call her that because she loves her feet up by her face. It is the cutest thing!