Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aliya is at Primary Children's

Aliya made it down to Primary Children's and is doing well. Aunt Dem even got to hold her which she was sure to tell all of us! Only Shane and Tarasha have been able to hold her so it was a big deal that someone else was able to today. I hope I will get my chance soon. Some of you may ask why she is the ballerina baby...well some of the nurses at McKay Dee hospital call her that because she loves her feet up by her face. It is the cutest thing!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for starting this blog! I am a friend of Tarasha and love her dearly. Please let me know of anything you can think of that we in Hyde Park can do for her. We would love to help in any way! barbimecham@gmail.com
